Steve Davis Jr. &

Steve Davis Jr. '08

Founder & Athlete Transition Coach
B.A. ’08 (College of Liberal Arts)
Alumni Association Life Member

About Strive Higher After Sports
Helping athletes design a fulfilled life after sports.

Strive Higher After Sports is an athlete transition support organization with a focus on coaching, workshops, and life design. At Strive Higher After Sports, we understand the unique challenges that athletes face when transitioning from sports to the next phase of life. To combat it, we use a design thinking approach to help you design a fulfilling life after sports.

Whether you're a retired professional athlete or a student-athlete preparing for graduation, we offer personalized transition coaching and life design workshops to help you Strive Higher. Our goal is to empower you to make the most of your talents, passions, and experiences, and create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling beyond athletics. We provide a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your aspirations without fear of failure, identify your strengths, and discover new possibilities.


About Steve
Steve Davis Jr. is a servant leader, design thinker, director of alumni engagement, author, and Athlete Transition Coach. He played 4 years of football at the University of Minnesota where he received his B.A. in Mass Communications in 2008.

Steve works at the University of Minnesota Alumni Association where he helps oversee engagement for over 500,000 alumni around the world, keeping them connected to the University and each other. Specifically, he impacts how alumni are engaged through affinity, athletics, and as volunteers.

His mantra for life is “Strive Higher Every Day” and he lives that out by continuing to be a lifelong learner and inspiring others to do the same. Through his experience transitioning out of football, he developed a passion for helping other athletes transition to life. Thus, Strive Higher After Sports was born to help athletes design a fulfilled life after sports.

Steve and his wife Rikita met as student-athletes at the University of Minnesota and have two children, Trevan (TJ) and Rylee.