Kym Jolstad '99
B.S. ’99 (College of Education and Human Developement)
Alumni Association Member
About Kathie's Coffee
Kathie’s Coffee is a nonprofit that raises awareness and funds for pancreatic cancer. For every 12 ounce bag sold, $3 is donated to Pancreatic Cancer Action Network. Kathie's Coffee is available in whole bean, ground and decaf.
About Kym
One summer day, Kym received a call from her sister. She asked “Everything ok, I’m at breakfast?” Her sister replied, “No mom just got admitted to the hospital, she’s jaundice.” Kym’s mom was at a scheduled med/blood pressure check when the doctor noticed she was jaundice. By 5:00 pm, they found a mass on her pancreas. Kym lost her father a few years before to complications to his almost 30 year diagnosis of MS. She immediately looked up the Pancreatic Cancer walk. After realizing how serious this cancer diagnosis was, Kym knew she needed to make a difference in the future of pancreatic cancer.
After months of brainstorming with family and friends, she came up with Kathie’s Coffee~coffee for a cause. Kym connected with a local roaster in Saint Louis Park who helped create the special blend that her mom would enjoy. As of today, Kathie’s Coffee has sent $12,000 to PanCAN since the first batch roasted in April 2020. Together we will make a difference.